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House curb appeal – How-to

The curb view of your home is the first that most people see of it. It’s also a view that you experience every day. If your home has no curb appeal then – no matter how stunning the interiors might be – it’s still losing major points on aesthetics and could be giving you all sorts of sad feelings every time you walk past it. So, how do you boost the curb appeal of your home?

Paint the front door

stone faced house with portico around front door

Simple, straightforward and you can do it in a day, painting the front door of your home instantly gives it a makeover. Whether you’re repainting to cover something underneath or changing the colour to something more compelling, you can make a big difference to the exterior of your house by refreshing the front door.

Install lights along the path

If you have a front garden or driveway then a set of lights makes it much easier for anyone who is approaching in the darkness. Soft lights are friendly and can also be used to emphasise any landscaping you’ve invested in or light something you’re particularly proud of. Choose lights that look good in daylight too and you will be adding a design feature to the area at the front of the house.

Redo the hardware

Replacing a letterbox, doorknocker, lock and handle, as well as any numbers that have seen better days is an inexpensive way to upgrade your exterior. If you don’t want to do everything at once then just replace one element at a time – just make sure you are consistent in terms of the metals that you choose so that the overall finished look feels coordinated.

Replace the sign

If your house has a sign, or a name plaque, on the wall and this is letting the whole look down by being rusty or out of date then it’s a simple enough job to replace it. You could opt for a replica of the existing sign or introduce something new. If you can’t afford to replace a sign then consider taking it down, giving it a good clean and fixing any broken elements, such as peeling paint.

Tidy up the garden

Landscape Gardener operates gas powered leaf blower

Although many homes don’t have a front garden anymore, if you’re lucky enough to do so make sure you keep it in good condition to preserve curb appeal. You don’t have to have an award winning patch of flowers and grass but just ensure that it’s debris free and everything is trimmed back so you can actually see the house. Cut the grass, prune back bushes and deal with any trees that are getting a little too close to the windows.

Introduce some colour

If the front of your house feels rather drab then try introducing colour via the addition of hanging baskets or window boxes of bright flowers. Choose hardy blooms that don’t need too much taking care of, such as pansies and geraniums.


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